Thea Altman

Thea Altman has been working as an intuitive healer for over thirty years. She has worked as a massage therapist as well as working as an intuitive counselor. As an oracle she uses the tarot, the pendulum, and a singing bowl to get into the zone for giving readings. She has the desire to help those who are in need of healing; whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual. Thea is an empath who can feel what others are feeling. She uses her abilities to help people feel better about themselves; and to get clarity on the deeper reasons for the experiences that they are going through. She uses the emotional freedom technique to help those having difficult emotions. Her aim is to bring healing to the world one person at a time.


  • General Massage and Bodywork
  • Lucidity Elemental Oracles
  • Soul/Spirit Energywork
  • Tarot/Oracle Readings

Healing Description

As an oracle, I use tarot cards and a pendulum to get answers. I use a singing bowl to get in the zone. Sometimes I am working with energy or Spirit and get direct downloads. When this happens I don’t need any tools. It starts with conversation and turns into whatever is needed; whether it be working with the chakras through energy work, the emotional body with tapping, or answering questions with the tarot.

Festival Locations: