Kristine Marie

Certified Master Intuitive, Kristine Marie, combines her trainings and experience in Intuition Medicine, Reiki, Acupressure, Steiner Education, Co-Counseling, Bars/Access Consciousness, and Star Flower and Gem Essences to assist you as you re-align with your higher Self, re-member your authentic Truth, and re-awaken your beautiful Heart. She has great depth of passion, love, and curiosity for Mythology, Astrology, Storytelling, Human Development, Jungian Psychology, Dream-work and World Travel, and with these, aims to provide insightful, powerfully transformative tarot readings.


  • Aromatherapy: Gem
  • Lucidity Elemental Oracles
  • Soul/Spirit Energywork
  • Tarot/Oracle Readings

Healing Description

Kristine’s readings are interactive. Together we will enter into a conversation, ignited by the cards that show up for your questions, and empowered with her (and your) intuition, insight and guidance about what they bring up for you; past, present and future. The more you are willing to go deeply into your own process and share what the images and archetypes elicit in you, the better the conversation and the results will be! Each reading is an opportunity for you to access your own information and align yourself with your truth on how to move forward in the best way for you.

Everyone has the capacity to heal themselves, we just need to trust our hearts and bodies and help our minds get out of the way. We are the ones we’ve been looking for. Love, humor, the release of sacred healing water in our tears, this is how we heal and cleanse.

Festival Locations: