Creating Harmonic Culture

A SpiritWorks / CommunityWorks Offering

April 9th - 12th, 2019

Creating Harmonic Culture is a self-care guidebook for social healing. By developing your Voice as a clear channel for empowered expression, you develop core skills to create a safe space for connection, meaningful dialogue and community values. During this course, You have the opportunity to tune into your higher calling for your Voice and tune into the collective Voice. Develop your personal roadmap empowering your voice and being an advocate for the greater good.

  • Find your voice and develop a clear channel for self-expression
  • Feel safe with your emotions during challenging conversations
  • Alchemize your emotional energy into creative and spiritual practices to increase your capacity for empathy and compassion.
  • Reclaim the voices of your ancestors through ritual and ceremony to heal the past and harmonize the present for future generations.
  • Learn to how to speak up when it really matters.
  • Expand your breath capacity and emotional awareness.
  • Learn to trust how you navigate the space of conflict and pathways for peaceful dialogue.

Combine CourseWeek with a Festival Pass and SAVE! Get the Full Experience Bundle!

To the spirit seekers and community builders, we need your vision and voice to be seen and heard Now more than ever.

Meet the Instructor For the Week

  • Priya Deepika Mohan

    Priya Deepika is an attorney turned sound-healer and educator. For over 20 years Priya’s career in social justice has developed alongside her spiritual path as a Yogi and artist. Priya draws indigenous wisdom & practice from her South Indian lineage as well as her formal education and training. For the last 11 years Priya’s journey of the Voice has been central to her advocacy for social healing. Priya’s background as a human-rights immigration lawyer and mediator has shaped her approach in helping others to find their true voice and safety for self-expression. Priya integrates sound as medicine and music into wellness education for emotional awareness, empathy, stress relief, trauma-release and revitalizing our capacity for greater human connection and creative inspiration. Priya’s music is known for its serene invitation qualities and melodic soundscapes exploring mood, tone and color of the human experience. Priya’s debut album Hear In My Heart will be available Spring of 2019.

Combine CourseWeek with a Festival Pass and SAVE! Get the Full Experience Bundle!