Saphir Lewis

Saphir Lewis, “The Oracle Of The Bright Future” - has been deep diving in meditation for more than 30 years, in pursuit of keys that will facilitate humanity’s awakening. These studies have revealed a rich understanding of what it means to be human, and how we are designed to be creative forces in the world around us. Partnering her findings with the principles of quantum physics, she has discovered inner tools that empower us to step into our magnificence and co-create our world in positive, fruitful ways. She has been teaching at transformational festivals for nearly a decade.


Scheduled Workshops

  • Awaken Your Super Powers - The Force Within You Is Real!

    90 min | The Summit

    Most of us use less than 10% of the abilities we were given - mind, body & heart. But within each of us, is a power so great that its beyond our ability to imagine from where we are right now. I’m not talking about super stardom. I’m talking about being more Alive than you’ve ever been before, I’m talking about a deep Belonging that your heart has cried out for all of your life. It’s a knowing that you have a place of Importance and value in the scheme of things and deeply experiencing your connection to All of Life. From this alignment, your great Power is activated, with new tools and abilities to play with, the ability to impact the world around you, the ability to be a part of the Creation of the world we all want to see! … With these openings, you’ll start to grow and grow, amazing Yourself and those around you, and making an impact! You’ll feel more like YOU than you’ve ever felt before.