Matt Sturm

Matt Sturm is a guide for transformational experiences. He is the founder of Living Kosmos, an integral mystery school focusing on the evolution of consciousness at the intersection of science and spirituality. His offerings span sacred sexuality, Kabbalistic tarot, Kundalini awakening, and men’s initiations. Through these diverse modalities, Matt is passionate about creating spaces where intimacy happens: to self, to body, to earth, and to kosmos. He has received training or carries lineages through Hakomi somatic psychotherapy, psychedelic-assisted therapy, hatha yoga, neo-tantra, Open Human Heart, Reiki, Tibetan Buddhism, and the Western Mysteries.

Scheduled Workshops

  • Erotic Sovereignty

    90 min | Movement Lab

    Erotic: the creative life-force energy of the kosmos.
    Sovereignty: the choice of an embodied YES!
    Step into an empowered, resilient affirmation of your sexuality. In this playshop, you’ll be invited to connect with the pleasure, joy, and aliveness of your eros. You’ll learn how to play with your desires in way that is trustable, attuned, and respectful. Using the framework of the Dynamo of Desire, we’ll explore four powerful sexual expressions individually and then have the option to dance with others’ energies in the group. Closed container; consent-forward; touch is optional, though encouraged; single or partnered.

  • The Role of Initiation in the Evolution of Consciousness

    90 min | The Summit

    Initiation is a rite of passage where my understanding of “who I am” and “my place in the kosmos” changes. Initiation has been utilized across all cultures throughout human history to demarcate phases of life, entry into a craft, and progression into a mystical tradition.
    Today we understand ourselves within an evolving universe that began at a single point. We recognize that our species and all biological life is in a process of evolution. And our worldviews, values, and paradigms for reality are in a developmental progression - the evolution of consciousness.
    In this workshop, we’ll examine the process of initiation and explore how to harness initiations for our growth as humans. Or to put it another way: how consciousness uses initiation to evolve consciousness.