The Elemental Realms of Lucidity

A new chapter of our story is upon us. The archetypal villages of yesteryear are returning and will find their places within our familiar elemental realms.

Tigers, Trixters, Monkeys, Lovers, Doves, Healers, Jaguars, Nomads, Owls, Dragons, Warriors, Families, Coyotes, Goddesses, Dreamers, and Space Whale.

What does it all mean? 

The Great Synthesis brings integration. Villages within Realms. We invite you to explore this new map and to dance Lucidity into the light of day. Interact with the characters you find, ask questions, and you might just find there’s a deeper game to play, a more profound meaning to it all, a link between the dreamtime and this waking life that could just be the answer to the ever-burning questions you hold in your heart.