Vanita K. Gupta

Vanita Kumari Gupta, PhD, MBA is a Multidimensional Intuitive Quantum Healer, with a specialization in gut health and health sovereignty, helping people to feel empowered to decrease reliance on the medical industrial complex for a life of liberation, wealth and joy. She is a former molecular biologist and scientific communications director in pharma and now dedicates her life to true health and wellness and building New Earth Models.


Scheduled Workshops

  • Galacivation: Healing the Earth With Arcturian Technology

    60 min | Ceremonial Fire & Drum Circle

    In an age where “disclosure” has become a buzzword, it is important to be able to discern galactic friends from those that seek to selfishly prey upon our energy and resources. The Arcturians are an advanced Galactic Race in our Milky Way Galaxy interested in the Ascension of Earth and humanity for the benefit of Earth, our Galaxy and the Universe. They will not impose upon the free will of humanity, but desire to help heal and harmonize Earth’s frequencies as she transitions. In this Galactivation, we will call upon the Arcturians to utilize our human body vessels as a bridge to transmit their healing frequencies down into the core of Mother Earth.