Mina Bliss

Carmina Barba AKA Mina Bliss is a Priestess with B. Blessed, a healing sanctuary focused on cultivating awareness, nurturing passion and creating conscious community. As an intuitive healer, Carmina utilizes traditional, ancestral and energetic modalities to assist others along their healing journey. She is an artist and works as a hairstylist, choreographer, lyricist and storyteller. She and her family perform as Off Grid Fam, a Hip Hop collective that offers cirque style shows at music festivals and small venues. A keeper of high frequency, Mina feels called to make a living loving people. She is passionate about life, expression, growth and knowledge. She is a wisdom keeper with a strong sense of honor and compassion. A big believer that all life is love in motion, Carmina embodies Divine love and expresses her artistic style in all she does.

Scheduled Workshops

  • Healing with Self Love

    60 min | Ceremonial Fire & Drum Circle

    In this ceremony we will explore practical ways to feel and anchor in Divine Love. Utilizing prayer, meditation, visualization and our powerful imaginations we dive deep into the depths of our core. We will share in circle and hold space for one another to work through any blockages that may arise and work together to create a safe space for introspection. We’ll discuss the importance of self care, spiritual hygiene, ancestral guidance, rituals and ceremony. Bring a pen and pad for notes.