Cait and Jared

Cait and Jared have strong roots in the Santa Barbara Acro Yoga scene. They have co taught at Sol Seek and have practiced with the Los Angeles and Portland acro communities. Cait and Jared both work professionally as educators through speech language pathology and high school science when they aren’t playing.


Scheduled Workshops

  • Acro Yoga

    60 min | Movement Lab

    This workshop will introduce the fundamentals of acro yoga and give everyone an opportunity to play and find new balance with partners. Acro Yoga is a balance between yoga + circus + cheer. A “flyer” is typically off the ground making yoga influenced poses atop their human “base”. We will introduce basing, flying, and spotting techniques so there will be something for everyone to engage with. This class will be very playful and restorative as we make silly shapes and explore partner stretches with new friends.