Quan Yin Tea House

Quan Yin Tea House is inspired by the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Quan Yin. The intention is to create a space to serve as a calm and healing oasis amid the often busy, loud and therefore distracting festival experience. The intention is to create a space that nourishes conscious community and for all who enter to be emboldened to be their most authentic selves.

The primary catalysing tool for this is the Gong Fu Cha practice. The name of this practice of pouring tea, as, developed by the originators in Yunan, China, is literally translated as made “with great skill”. Gong Fu Cha therefore means “tea made with great skill. Tea pourers in China consider it to be the best way to make tea and are pleased for it to be shared. (If done correctly) Additionally when the pourer performs it with presence as an embodiment practice it is an invitation for those participating to join the pourer and other drinkers in the present.

In the tea house, from time to time, there will spontaneous music and planned musical offerings in the form of sound healing and songs devoted to the now. All music will be acoustic.

The Quan Yin Tea servers look forward to helping Lucidity participants to drop in, be calm and be present.