Vanessa Gilliam

Vanessa Gilliam is a muscle therapist specializing in pain and discomfort relief. She lives in Paso Robles, California with her 3 dogs, 3 cats, and 4 horses. Her passions include galloping her horses at the beach, gardening, cooking memorable meals for friends, playing volleyball, attending magical festivals, and being a catalyst for change.

Vanessa is currently 1 of only 36 people in the United States that has completed the advanced certification program for an Australian neuromuscular release modality called The Emmett Technique. Her clients range from dogs, horses, cats, and their humans.

Her journey as a bodyworker started in 2016 learning to treat horses. Diagnosed with Sepsis in 2018, Vanessa is no stranger to pain. While Pharmaceuticals alleviated some symptoms, the underlying cause was not resolved. Extensive research into holistic options provided her with much needed answers, to be shared with you!


  • General Massage and Bodywork
  • Reflexology
  • Soul/Spirit Energywork

Healing Description

Sessions are quick and effective, often resulting in noticeable changes. My approach to healing is one size doesn’t fit all. I see myself as a facilitator who enjoys problem solving. By looking at the whole picture and putting the pieces together, I peal away one layer at a time. I act as a reset button for your muscles, lymphatic system, and central nervous system.


Festival Locations: