Noah Lani Crowe
Noah Crowe is a storyteller, ritual maker, and artifact maker. He employs these three practices; story, ritual, and artifact to steward engaging, meaningful, life-affirming experiences for local communities, and for the internal and external communities of purpose-based brands. Initiated two decades ago through the vision quest, Noah brings his experience with rites of passage and community storytelling to schools, communities and businesses through his professional and educational offerings. He integrates his experience in building, public art and event production to create environments for diverse voices to be heard. Noah hosts the Ceremonial Fire at Lucidity, where all are welcome to share their prayers, songs, stories, and the deepest sharing of all, the generosity of listening.
Medicine or Calling
Listening is the path of heart, because to be a good lover of the world, we must listen to her rivers and winds and the cries of her people, both those of sorrow and of joy.