2024 Village, Environment & Installation Application

Thank you for your interest in creating a village theme camp, sculptural installation, or professional environment  for empowering personal, community, and global transformation at Lucidity Festival: Auroras’ Light. 

This is the place for the following offerings to apply:

  • “Create your own Village Theme Camps
  • Sculptural Installation Art
  • Professional Environment creator

“Create Your Own Village” Theme Camps

Want to camp together as a group and create a small lucid village? This year at Lucidity, we’re introducing a special way for groups to unite. If you and at least 10 friends can dream up a themed camp that complements the Lucidity narrative, we invite you to apply. Think of creating a camp that provides a unique experience or gift to the Lucid Family during the fest. Selected themed camps will get prime spots, a group discount on tickets, and free early arrival passes for camp setup. Plus, you’ll get a shout-out on our Lucidity website and app! Join us in deepening our bond with the Lucid Family.

Sculptural and/or Interactive Art Installations

Sculptural and/or Interactive Art Installations primarily focus on artistic expression and audience engagement. Likely a stand-alone piece, designed to captivate, provoke thought, or encourage interaction from attendees. These installations may be purely aesthetic or have an interactive component, allowing participants to engage physically or mentally with the artwork.

Professional Environments

Professional Environments are immersive environments where attendees can gather, usually with a specific theme or purpose in mind. It’s about creating a collective experience, often incorporating various elements like workshops, games, creative offerings, or communal chill spaces. 

*NOTE* We’d like to clarify that we’re not looking for sound camps this year. While a small Bluetooth speaker for ambiance is welcome, we want to avoid anything that would qualify as a stage.  Please note that amplified music has a curfew of midnight. After that, we expect all areas to maintain ‘happy camper’ noise levels, ensuring everyone has a peaceful night.

Important Dates

Theme Camps, Installations, & Environments applications close on January 17, 2024.

All applicants will be notified on or before February 1st, 2024.

Submissions may be accepted on a rolling basis. We have limited space, so early submissions will receive early consideration. We recommend that you purchase a ticket, so that you will take advantage of the most affordable ticket currently available in the event that you are not selected. Feel free to also apply as an Ambassador or work trade Dream Maker.

Village, Environment and Installation Application 2024
What is the official name of your art installation, environment or theme camp?
Where do you receive mail?

This will appear on your profile page on the official Lucidity Festival Website. Only jpg/jpeg is supported. Please make sure your image is 1080px by 1080px.

Maximum file size: 0.7MB

Your professional website, eg http://mywebsite.com. Not facebook. We have a field for that further down. NOTE: If your site is under construction, leave this field blank.
Provide the full link to your Facebook Fan or Business Page
Provide the full link to your Twitter Home page
Please provide the URL to Tik Tok Account
Please provide the URL to LinkedIn Account
Please provide the URL to Instagram Account
Please provide a link to your Professional Youtube Channel. This isn’t a space for individual videos. If you don’t have a channel, please leave this blank. You can provide a link to an individual video further down in this form.
Please provide a link to your Professional Vimeo Channel. This isn’t a space for individual videos. If you don’t have a channel, please leave this blank. You can provide a link to an individual video further down in this form.

Provide a link to the individual image. You can right click on your image in the browser and choose “Open image in new tab”. Please provide the link to the image that you are viewing in the new tab.

Provide Link to Image #1

Provide Link to Image #2

Provide Link to Image #3

Provide Link to Image #4

Provide Link to Image #5

Please write in the third person and limit to 150 words or less. You can use this handy word counter tool: wordcounttools.com/.
Are you interested in the Upcycling Program?
Assess your power draw. Please be as concise and accurate as possible. For example: “500 watts - 120 volt standard Edison plug. Do not have generator. Need access to power.”
How many build days does your project require for install?
