Russell Swope

Russell Picture 2

Russell has been a Holistic Health Practitioner working hands on with clients for two decades. At age twenty he was diagnosed with scoliosis of the lumbar spine and physicans suggested implanting a titanium rod to "correct" his condition. Instead Russell chose an alternative path and was inspired to deepen the understanding of his body and explore the world of Alternative Health and Medicine at the School of Healing Arts in San Diego. Over the next few years Russell had the opportunity to study and receive profound bodywork which simultaneously alleviated the pain in his body and taught him how cultivate and maintain his health. However, It was only after a car crash at the age of 25 that he discovered the profound art of Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Russell has practiced these sacred arts for the last 15 years and has discovered in his own experience profound inner strength, deepening of awareness, and abundant health.
"The body is mostly water, the spine is like a river. A river doesn't have to be straight to flow, just free."

Scheduled Workshops

  • Elemental Qi Gong Part 1
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 75 min. | Location: Warriors' Arena

    This Healing Arts class will include a succession of Qi Gong movements and principles that Russell has used with himself and clients throughout his practice. They are designed to help heal and strengthen the body and bring clarity and more focus to the mind. Fire, water, air and earth are of service to us without a thought. All of the elements and their wisdom are within us, there is no lack. The rediscovery of their teachings is a way of the Spiritual Warrior.

  • Elemental Qi Gong Part 2
    Day: Sunday | Duration: 75 min. | Location: Warriors' Arena

    This Healing Arts class will build off of the first one offered, allowing a way to go deeper into the practice. Participation in the first class is not necessary, but this course encourages attendees to move beyond the initial ideas of practice and to dissolve more fully into the energetic principles of movement. They are designed to help heal and strengthen the body and bring clarity and more focus to the mind. Fire, water, air and earth are of service to us without a thought. All of the elements and their wisdom are within us, there is no lack. The rediscovery of their teachings is a way of the Spiritual Warrior.

Workshop Locations

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