Dave Durkin

David Durkin Picture 2

I have been growing more connected to this planet to the last three years now. I use a combination of meditation, breath techniques, yoga movements, healthy diet, prana flow, energetic awareness, slacklining, and reiki within my practice. I like to offer these all into a balance which best serves my daily life. Breathing and meditation are a key part to any enlightenment. I offer my reflection on how dancing is one of the most healing actions that there is and I also my reflection on the vibrational waves of energy that connect us all. We are all one. Namaste

Scheduled Workshops

  • Slackline Basics
    Day: Friday | Duration: 75 min. | Location: Warriors' Arena

    Slackline Basics is a workshop that is a basic introduction to slacklining. Those who attend will learn what is needed in order to set up their own slackline and will also be taught how to set one up. Once the line is up, I will explain step by step the process of getting up onto the slackline. It takes focus, balance, hard work, and continuous effort. The hardest part of slacklining is getting up onto the line. Once up on the line, I will explain simple techniques to use while walking on the line. Anyone who has ever thought about jumping on a line should attend and even those who have never heard of slacklining should attend as well. Anyone can slackline if they try to.

  • Slackline Tricks
    Day: Sunday | Duration: 75 min. | Location: Warriors' Arena

    Slackline Tricks is a workshop for advanced slackliners. Beginners are welcome to attend but the techniques will be more advanced. I will explain more advanced techniques such as turning on the line, jumping onto the line, bouncing on the line, walking sideways, walking backwards, and even demo some flips off of the line onto the ground. Please try these techniques at your own risk. One of the main points demonstrated in this workshop will be to know your own limits while on the line. Slacklining is not a competition with others; it is a competition between yourself, gravity, and the line. It is a meditative practice that lets you block out everything else.

Workshop Locations

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