The Bloom Series Producers


The Bloom team (aka The Bloom Squad) is comprised of seasoned members of transformational festival culture, contributing in a variety of ways (event organizers, artists, presenters, etc). The Bloom's Director/Host Jeet-Kei Leung has been a part of the culture for the past 15 years, giving a breakthrough TEDx talk on the subject in 2010.


Scheduled Presentations

  • Panel Q & A w/ The Producers of The Bloom Series
    Day: Friday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: The Fishbon Proscenium

    Join Bloom producers Jeet-Kei Leung and Akira Chan with production members Zac Cirivello and Robin Tala as they host a community Q&A; session and discussion alongside featured Bloom artists directly following the Friday evening screening. Come share your story and participate in this community dialog about the The Bloom Series and about the nature and future of the Transformational Festival culture.

Speaking Locations