Swami Brahmavidyananda

Swami Brahmavid

For over 10 years, Swami Brahmavid has been carrying on the universal message of visionary prophet Swami Vivekananda, who in the 1890's was among the first to bring the concept of religious acceptance from India to America. Swami Brahmavidyananda describes the path of Vedanta as "bringing democracy to religion. Vivekananda believed that all religions are not only necessary, but essential to the human spirit which, due to race and culture, has the need for diversity as obviously expressed by the various paths & religions," he explains. "Vivekananda never used the words religious tolerance' because that infers one'ssense of superiority over another. He always preferred to say religious acceptance."

Dedicated to this humane philosophy that he feels defines the 21st Century, the Swami has compiled 10 volumes that have been organized to capture the essence of Vivekananda's works for a Western audience. Vivekananda's teachings are a comprehensive dissertation of the evolution of man's spiritual consciousness. Starting with our inner nature and the structure of universal religion and its application through action, love, meditation and reason to the metaphysics of religion and the nature of human misunderstandings, perception and evolution. The Vedanta philosophy teaches that all paths have value in the eyes of God and that no matter which path you choose, whether it be Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Native American or any spiritual path, you will ultimately be led to God. We all have an inherent tendency toward the sacred and divine.


The Buzz

Swami Brahmavidyananda is a very approachable, accepting teacher who came to the Atlanta area from the Hollywood branch of the Vedanta Center of Southern California where he has had the privilege of meeting and lecturing to many of Hollywood's celebrities like Broadway and film star Alan Arkin and others. In fact, many of the world's most recognized intellectuals have followed and written about the Vedanta philosophy including: author Aldous Huxley, poet T.S. Eliot, mystic-historian Gerald Heard, and internationally famous writer Christopher Isherwood, who was the original editor of Vedanta and the West. Aquarius-atlanta.com

Scheduled Presentations

  • Wisdom Keepers - Who We Are
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Fishbon Proscenium

    This presentation of "Wisdom Keepers - Who We Are", led by Swami Brahmavid. will educate us on a range of subjects around this important cultural role. Through Vivekananda and Vedic teachings we will understand the role of Wisdom Keepers, how their wisdom holds a potential for massive shifts in Consciousness as well as the cultural and social implications.

Speaking Locations