
Shivani 8©Shera Summer

Shivani has been hearing the feminine call since she lived in a small village on the Greek island of Corfu. It is here where she ran into her teacher Chameli, founder of Awakening Women. Shivani had her first taste of meeting with women in a supportive, loving, nurturing way while embracing our darker sides of rage, jealousy, betrayal, etc. It is in these groups of women were old beliefs are let go and new pathways are built in trust and love. Here in these gatherings we use embodiment practices to access our feelings through touch & massage, movement & dance, song & vocal expression. It is not a support or therapy group; we are not sharing our stories or wounds; we are simply diving within and holding the space for each other.

In the fall of last year, Shivani surrendered to this calling and took the Women's Temple Leadership training in Nevada City. She is currently leading women's temple here in Santa Barbara for women who are committed to sisterhood.


Scheduled Presentations

  • Women's Circle
    Day: Sunday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: The Zen Lounge

    Connection with the Divine Feminine, with each other and with ourselves. Shiva and Kali will play out their presence as we let go of things that no longer serve us.

Speaking Locations