Ryan Rising

rising roots ryan

Founder of Rising Roots Design, Ryan Rising is an organizer, permaculture designer, and direct action advocate in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has worked with groups such as Occupy SF, Occupy the Farm, the San Francisco Permaculture Guild, Space TranSFormers, Food Not Bombs, Thunderground Music Collective and Rising Roots Design. Watch for his Mobile Ecology Center nestled in Family Garden, open all day.

Scheduled Workshops

  • Mobile Ecology Center & Permaculture Design Lab
    Day: Friday, Saturday, Sunday | Location: Family Garden

    The Mobile Ecology Center is a space that can be created anywhere at anytime and consists of blankets and tapestries and snacks; a full library of books on ecology, permaculture, organic gardening, and holistic arts and sciences, and a seed library of hundreds of species of organic and heirloom seeds. The Permaculture Design Lab allows you to put what you learn from the discussions, workshops, and books into practice and offers an array of tools, drawing boards, paper, pencils, rulers, & stencils. Draw a design for your imagined garden, select edible, medicinal, and other useful species, analyze how the elements will move through your landscape, and take your plan home to create space. A certified permaculture designer will be on hand to guide you through the process and answer questions.

  • Transforming Space: Permaculture and Direct Action
    Day: Sunday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Family Garden Workshop Stage

    Transforming Space: Permaculture and Direct Action will be a discussion about transforming urban space. From liberating busy city streets to allow the human movement of dance, to emancipating the earth below our feet for growing food, this conversation will explore the many ways in which we can create environments that foster community, ecology, and vitality, right in the concrete jungle. Come here stories from the occupy farm, renegade festivals, the struggle to save neighborhood gardens, and politically-active tent cities, and share some of your own. We’ll talk about future plans for a regional Village Building Convergence and the creation of greenhouses, plant nurseries, urban farms, and accessible kitchens in each and every square mile of the places we inhabit.

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