
Patty Yuniverse is a multi-dimensional artist and empath, vibrating the frequency of compassion and Yuniversal love. Known best for her role in the viral video Sh*t New Age Girls Say, Patty is the founder of Magical Mastery School retreats and live experiences, specializing in the creation of powerful ceremonial containers for deep transformation and co-creational magic, through which participants have called their experiences “life changing.” Patty has partnered with ETVGlobal, Inc. to form Yuniverse Media Enterprises, on the leading edge of media, technology, and entertainment, with the intention to expand and share light with the collective, and co-write the new story of our collective evolution on this beautiful divine journey.

Scheduled Workshops

  • Divine Union Within
    Day: Sunday | Duration: 75 min. | Location: Jupiter Tea Lounge

    This workshop and guided meditation takes you on a journey through multiple stages, first clearing the energy body and opening the chakras, then weaving through our existence into lighted pathways preceding our primordial origins to the space where there is no time. Utilize this practice to anchor in the higher self Christ consciousness, alchemize the divine feminine and masculine within, and plant new seeds of intention in a unified field. Group sharing to follow, with additional practices that aid in cultivating third eye sight and intuition, and compassion.


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