Parade your Dragon Collaboration

Welcome to your open-source invitation to showcase your imagination. Bring your music makers, juggling acts, spiral spinners…happy hoopers, disco dancers, wildest warriors, friends, family and freaks…all are welcome. You can look forward to a parade dragon designed by Rosel & Zariah Weedn and built by the children, life size puppets by Robby Robbins, Summer Solstice, Amir Magal & Tribal Marker, Jon Nash & Natural Leaders, Andrew Ecker & Drumming Sounds, Wise Owl Council, Capsel Rock & Arise Rawk of Raw Action Dance Crew, Shine Rilling & Peace Sticks, and most importantly …our Crystalline Children.


Scheduled Workshops

  • Build your Dragon
    Day: Friday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Family Garden

    In this all ages play shop all you need to do is bring your imagination and laughter to design ,build, and decorate a dragon for Sundays parade with your lucid community.


  • Build your Dragon
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Family Garden

    In this all ages play shop all you need to do is bring your imagination and laughter to design ,build, and decorate a dragon for Sundays parade with your lucid community.


  • Parade your Dragon
    Day: Sunday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Family Garden

    Gather at high noon at the Family Dome to unleash your inner dragon with face/body painting, airbrushing, costume wearing…tribal marking, and intention setting ceremony. We will head out at 1:00pm to showcase our totem spirits, gathering anyone who cares to join in along the way as we make our way through the Lucid City


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