Luna Love

A midwife for the New World, bridging ancient wisdom into modern times, Luna identifies herself as a Medicine Woman. She is dedicated to her dharma- reclaiming reconnective rememberance for all beings. She communes with the elementals and co-exists within the spirit world sharing her practices with others to help them find their own holistic balance within. She is trained in the fields of Yoga, Vedic studies, Ayurveda, Shamanism, Blood Mysteries and Resonance Theory, as well as Primitive Skills and Ancestral Arts. Luna has transformed and evolved her studies into a path as a Spiritual Process Counselor. Luna expresses her commitment to service through the belief that we are all innately whole and One with nature.

Scheduled Workshops

  • Shamanic Soundscapes
    Day: Friday, Saturday, Sunday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Healing Sanctuary

    Remember feeling centered, relaxed and everything in your life just flowed without effort? That is the experience of being naturally aligned and balanced. Chakra Alignment helps restore inner calm, balance, removes pain, energizes you and allows you to connect to yourSELF. Luna uses guided meditation, Reiki, tuning forks, aromatherapy, mantras and affirmations to cleanse and unblock the Chakras. You are a direct connection allowing the Earth and everything outside of the Earth be connected through the center-line of your being. Let this connection be clear and free from blockages, allowing energy to flow easily through you, to you, and from you.

  • Yinyasa Flow Yoga
    Duration: 90 min. | Location: Healing Sanctuary

    This fusion of the feminine Yin Yoga and the masculine yang Vinyasa Flow practices. We explore this interplay of opposites that make us whole - the light and dark, chaos and static and find our center somewhere in between. This is a flow-based practice that involves transitioning in and out of passive and active poses. The exploration involves much transitioning and invites the practitioner to focus on the spaces between the postures- the process, without an end point.

  • Shamanic Soundscapes
    Day: Friday, Saturday, Sunday | Duration: 300 min. | Location: Healing Sanctuary

    Co-facilitating the artists at the Lucidity Sound Dome, Luna will co-create dynamic Shamanic Soundscapes in the evenings with these artists. These evenings will be led as ceremony and can take one on a journey of deep discovery. Working with groups and individuals on a resonant frequency, these healing ceremonies reduce stress, create a state of lightness and peace partnered with profound introspection. Immerse oneself in the harmony of being.


  • Blood Mysteries
    Duration: 120 min. | Location: Healing Sanctuary

    A wisdom offering that unveils the Blood Mysteries, that which is beyond understanding, profound and known only by revelation. Female shamanism is based in the blood cycle. The Blood Mysteries are the sacred rites of passage in a womban’s creative life cycle that unfold new heightened perceptions of Self and everything else that exists. We will explore the Five Gates of Blood, share women’s wisdom, look at birth traumas and reclaim the power and inherent wisdom that it is to be a woman. All ages and sexes invited to this beautiful sharing.


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