Jenna Grayson

Jenna Grayson has been fascinated with the Human Energy Field ever since she was introduced to it through her studies and practice of energy healing, recognizing experiences she’d had with it as a child.
Jenna studied energy medicine with Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine in La Jolla, CA and has been working as an energy healer and educator for over 5 years. Jenna’s passion comes from a desire to enhance and harmonize the human experience.
Scheduled Workshops
The Magick of Healing Yourself and Others -with your Hands, Awareness and Breath
Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Divinitree DomeIn this interactive playshop you will learn simple yet powerful techniques to eliminate pain, balance your emotions, relieve anxiety, facilitate sleep, and generate overall well-being. You will use the techniques on yourself and a partner. You’ll also learn about the nature of your subtle energy and it’s profound capacity to heal on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
“True magick is not illusion, it is creating material from non-material. It is creating a shift in your reality.” – Jenna Grayson
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