Anya Zama Deva

I have been exploring the world of natural and wholistic health for the past 12 years of my spiritual journey. Essential oils began to play a part of my health & bliss protocol soon after, and their place in my life has organically grown to being a truly essential tool and blessing. They are such consistent and broad spectrum allies for me on the daily!

One of my callings here on this planet is to serve in the healing of the current medical paradigm, and help bring people back in touch with the gifts that our Mother Gaia offers us as connection to her nurturing consciousness. Her means of providing both preventative and curative “medicine” are many, and the plant kingdom is one such crucial means for her people. I am utterly grateful for her gifts that serve my body’s stay here every day, particularly high potency plant essences/oils…I have seen what a difference they make in my life and how much chemical products they have replaced since becoming conscious of my purchases, and feel like I am here now to serve both the plants and the planet by sharing their magic with others in my sphere and beyond!

In regards to sharing oils specific to the company dōTERRA, I feel very honored to be able to point people in the direction of such an outstanding quality source, and that their efficacy as a medicine is guaranteed, not to mention the company is truly a forerunner of sustainable business modeling. And on top of that, dōTERRA has quite a magical story of sacred syncronistic proportions as to how it was founded that I’m sure any lucid dreamer would appreciate….to make it as short and sweet as possible I’ll just say that a large handful of the heartfelt founders all had a dream about forming an essential oil company together that would be of the highest integrity and serve humanity in a deeply profound way…all on the same night

I love this dharma that has found me!

Scheduled Workshops

  • Deva Seva and Holistic Healing with Essential Oils
    Day: Friday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Wise Owl Sound Temple

    The intention of Deva Seva is sharing the ‘Gifts of the Earth’ through selfless service…

    The word ‘Deva’ refers to elemental beings, or nature spirits that work synergistically and serve beneficially with and for the ecology of the planet. Deva has its roots in Sanskrit, where it is used to denote divine beings, and translates to ‘shining ones’. The meaning of ‘Seva’ is selfless service work for the highest divine good of all.

    We will be sharing practical ways one can incorporate essential oils into one’s life as holistic alternatives to over the counter medications, household products, beauty products, all the while also serving to benefit others and the planet. Essential oils are the alchemical prize of the plant kingdom, referred to as ‘the blood of the plants’…the most potent form of plant medicine! We will be focusing on dōTERRA essential oils, as they are ethically/sustainably sourced and of extraordinarily high quality, nature’s medicine at its finest! The name of the company, dōTERRA, is derived from Latin, meaning ‘Gift of the Earth’.

    Using and sharing these essential oils, especially in place of synthetic ‘medicines’, can have large scale implications in the transformation of the medical paradigm on this planet…back to one in tune with our Mother Gaia and the natural laws of the Universe!

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