
Using the Permaculture Flower, we seek to understand the cycles that flow through the Universe. Through Mandela creation, we observe and recreate the sacred geometric patterns that flow through the Universe. We arrive at a…

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simon faucher

Simon Faucher

Heather began studying health and nutrition in 1997 and became passionate about superfoods in 2006. She enthusiastically shares her knowledge with everyone she meets, whether in workshops, or one on one. Her lifelong love of…

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Heather McCulloch

As one of the Earth’s valence electrons, Eric Buringrud travels freely around the world making connections and bonds with the people, places, and things that the universe leads him to. In 2007, it led him…

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Eric Buringrud

Eric Buringrud

After graduating from the U of I with a degree in envi sc, chandranana studied with Spirtual Masters in various Spiritual and Esoteric realms unveiling the relationship between internal and external ???. Continuously Traveling through…

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