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Eve landed in Los Angeles from Outer Space 20 something years ago where she began her life as a human. Since that time she has traveled the planet & has studied Child Development, Health &…

Jessica Eve
My name is Solar B. Perhaps you have seen me at the beach in Santa Barbara or at a festival or two. I have been making art using only the Sun and different magnifying glasses…

Solar B
Lynne is a quintessential jack-of-all-trades who combines her playful, dynamic intuition with the wisdom of her professional background. She is an MFT, Registered Art Therapist(ATR, BC). Lynne is inspired by the power of the arts…

Lynne Okun
Selena Lorigo a native of Santa Barbara, is a certified Yoga Instructor, Fitness Instructor, Licensed Massage Therapist, Dancer, Choreographer/Teacher, Performer, Kick boxing Instructor, Martial Artist, and a Mother of an amazing boy, Sylis. Selena began…

Selena Lorigo
Lasara and Aurora are strong women from a long line of strong women. A mother-daughter crime fighting duo based in Northern California, they spend their time championing the rights of the trees, plants, water, and…

Lasara Fox Allen & Aurora O'Greenfield
I am a 13 year old girl. I went to Lucidity last year and helped with Save the Mermaids. I stayed in the Family Garden. I love working with children. I go to Ventura Charter…

Helen Hatfield
Maya Sequoia is a heart centered childcare provider that has worked with a spectrum of different children for the past six years ranging from ages 2 to 17, with a variety of needs. Maya is…

Maya Lord
I am a creator and nurturer, mother, daughter, sister, lover, friend. I live in Ojai, California with my two fabulous boys. Was born in Hungary and lived in some other countries before I came out…

Borbala Arvai
I have been a tribal bellydancer since 2006. I have performed with a troupe at several bellydance festivals in California (Tribal Fusion Faire, Tribal Caravan, Tribal Fest, etc ) also at Ventura Artwalk and other…

Jane Hatfield
Jenna Tico is a storyteller, ninth-generation Santa Barbarian, lifetime collaborator with the Summer Solstice Celebration, and full-time mischief maker. After graduating with honors from Scripps College in Claremont, CA—where she was introduced to Contact Improvisation…

Jenna Tico
Om Namah Sivaya, I Am Anandi! In a sharing circle, a teacher of mine recently said, “We are so potent, we can create ourselves at every moment.” Letting go of patterns of the past and…

Ashley Hunter
Sean is a self-proclaimed urban shaman that works to restore the environment by working at a native plant nursery in Santa Cruz. He also self publishes a visionary zine called Realize Culture, that promotes positivity…

Sean Basalyga
Working as a preschool teacher, i’ve come to appreciate and encourage the infinite self discovery a child can reach through different forms of mediums. Join me and create magical sun catchers or explore what it…

Mariah Cochrane
Briana Kai Louis: With a background in dance since the age of three, Briana Kai has been exploring creative movement her whole life. Beginning with Ballet, Jazz, Tap and Hip Hop, and later expanding into…

Briana Kai Louis & Jah Questafari
Welcome to your open-source invitation to showcase your imagination. Bring your music makers, juggling acts, spiral spinners…happy hoopers, disco dancers, wildest warriors, friends, family and freaks…all are welcome. You can look forward to a parade…

Parade your Dragon Collaboration
Teacher, Facilitator, Speaker, healer, visionary, wisdom keeper. Shine Rilling leads individual and group workshops in personal transformation, reconnecting with vital life-force energy and unlocking human potential. Shine Rilling is the co-creator of Peace Sticks International…

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