Sometimes a piece of writing comes our way that we love so much, we just have to share it with you. This was written by Shine Rilling, as part of an invitaion to a Peace Sticks retreat. Shine has facilitated World Peace ceremonies in all the villages at Lucidity festival, and more recently at the Arlington event. We’re looking forward to welcoming him and his crew again in April 2014.
This letter to you is a prayer. It is a call to you, to the ancient eternal being that you are, to all of your ancestors and to all the sacred little ones to come. It is about Peace Sticks, It is about family, it is about our tribe, and the deepest roots of what it means to be alive, for ourselves and for the planet.

I have been envisioning a sacred circle of people for over a year, actually for many years, and I have felt stuck unsure of how to do it. I have felt conflicted by these two worlds that we now walk in. I know well that my life is very much in the system, I use money, buy food, gas, a car, computer internet, and have people in my life that I care so much about and part of caring for them is earning money to provide. And I know you do too. And at the same time, I feel so blessed to have been given this gift of peace sticks and world peace ceremonies that are so simple, so natural, and to me feel like the ancient ways. I have seen the medicine, the way that playing peace sticks can almost instantly wake people up, and reconnect them to their life, to nature, and to people as a loving tribe.
So the current where I have gotten stuck before is; how can peace sticks grow and bring these good ways to the world, in a way that embraces the true gifts of each person choosing to create and share this energy and at the same time create a system that functions in the current economic western culture, in a way that sustains in full abundance each person, their families and future generations.
It is my nature to see or want to see the whole picture, and in this case I often feel overwhelmed, and sometimes scared of not knowing how to do it.

The power of the ancestors, and peace sticks spirit, Wakantanka, Jah, Great Spirit is flowing through me so strong that I continue, listening and answering the calls, of making hundreds of sticks before I knew anyone was going to play, of coming to a huge range of events, and doing world peace ceremonies often with tons of people i had never met before. And always the universe has helped so much, given everything just perfectly. And the most magical gifts are you. The people who have chosen to create and share the practice with me. To share your lives and families, skills, livication, and love.
And it is only because of the love and support and infinitely expansive power and magic of each of you that I now feel ready to take this next step. To gather all of our energies to together and vision a World Forest Jungle of Peace Love and Life. To give care to the earth, make compost, plant seeds, water them, talk lovingly to them, grow fruit, harvest the seeds and share the positive peace vibrations, in concentric circles with the world.
Pray Meditate, go into nature and look and feel into you, into your life and dreams, and send love to the visions and knowingness of your gifts and your life purpose. Feel the resonance with Peace Sticks, and tune into the yes’s and no’s, to clearly reveal your unique peace.
Beautiful stuff!!
Love is all we are.
that and a pinch of stardust”)
johann little bear