Wesley Wolfbear Pinkham

Wesley Wolfbear Pinkham is more than the friendly face you’ve met running the ticketing booth at Lucidity Festival since its founding in 2012. He’s also an active community development and marketing professional with experience in the Jewish community, non-profit management, emerging media, and business communication.

Immersed from an early age in creative endeavors, he has built a wide network of transformational leaders and artists. A graduate of the UCLA Department of World Arts and Cultures and a semester abroad at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2008, he has worked with some of the most influential thought leaders and program directors in Southern California. He’s helped produce events with Grand Performances in Downtown Los Angeles, the Skirball Cultural Center, the Music Center of Los Angeles County, the World Festival of Sacred Music and Community Arts Resources (CARS). He ran programming and communications at Yiddishkayt, Los Angeles’ premier Yiddish cultural organization.

In June of 2013, Wesley (or Wolf) left his job in the automotive communications sector and hit the road, visiting and volunteering at festivals across the United States and delivering $1,300 worth of medicine to a non-profit pharmacy run by the Jewish community in Havana, Cuba.

Since then, he has bolstered his freelance creative consultancy, providing graphic design, web design, copywriting, branding, and business expertise to a diverse group of entrepreneurial projects. He enjoys working with visual artists, musicians, craftsmen (and women), dancers, performers, transformational events, and more.

Wolfbear currently works in marketing and social media with The Bloom Series, a documentary project covering the transformational festival community. He is also a contributing author and photographer to publications including Lost In Sound and Sparkleberry Lane.

The Buzz

Wesley has a great attitude, is personable and funny with participants... and I hear he’s a social media wiz as well!!! Jonah Haas, Co-Founder and Marketing Director, Lucidity Festivals

Scheduled Presentations

  • Transformational Sabbath with Wesley Pinkham
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Sacred Fire Story Telling Circle

    Many great business ideas come to mind when engaged with a creative community like Lucidity… They’re the kind of life-changing concepts that the world needs in the deepest of ways. But how do we leave the festival world and make the dream a reality?

    Spiritual Marketing is the way we bare our creative souls to the world. communicating from the space between dreams and realities, our personal pitch shines through from deep human experience. The return on investment is immeasurable. Alignment between your intentions and your message will result in daily renewal.

    How can you make a living in Festival Culture? How can you convert your experiences into a new and fulfilling career? We will discuss how individual initiatives and established brands are breaking down the consumer-producer model to create soul-driven business and organizational opportunities.

  • Lucid Lifestyles Panel
    Day: Sunday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage

Speaking Locations

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