Tulku Spiritflow
Tulku’s inspired call to action in this life revolves around creating opportunities for our tribe and community to gather. He is the founder of Paradigm Shift, a collective of creative visionaries. Past events Tulku has helped create include: The AscenDance and Awaken. His current creation, The Enchanted Forest Gathering is in it’s fourth year. Tulku believes in creating events with a strong, safe container that can serve as a catalyst for individuals and community to realize the infinite potential we are all given as a birthright. With a multifaceted approach to production, these events are better described as “experiential offerings.” When asked how he accomplishes this, his answer is “First you find an epic venue that wants you to be there. Add equal parts Sacred, Sexy, Silly and Saucy, then shake your booty vigorously!”
Scheduled Presentations
Festival Producers Panel
Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage
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