Samavesha Gayatri Devi
Samavesha Gayatri Devi is a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and initiated priestess of the Reshel/Reshela (planetary heart) Grids within the Rose Line and Mother Gaia’s new ARK of Grace. She is the founder of Speaking Tree of Life, and her new Divine UNION Academy is grounded within the living principles of Sacred Erotic Commerce through the Royal Tantra of the Grail Kings and Queens.
For the past five years she has co-facilitated workshops on the Grail Lineage of Twin Flame Physics, Embodied Enlightenment, The Soul Tantra of Money, Heiros Gamos - the Divinization of Matter, Gaia’s Geomancy - the Sacred Geometry of our World Soul, The Alchemical Marriage, and The Hierogamic TREE OF LIFE. Samavesha synthesizes an energetic Twin-Soul bridge between love and money for a harmonious manifestation of ying/yang prosperity. Her leadership is devoted to birthing a cooperative transformational blueprint of Spiritual Economics for our awakened world through enlightened wealth and authentic masculine/feminine balance.
She has joyously co-presented and facilitated workshops and trainings with her beloved Soul-Twin, Steven Michael Ehlinger II, on their shared (11:11) destiny path of Sacred Union… following their ordained re-connection on 1/1/11.
The Buzz
Samavesha is the full spectrum unification of embodying the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine in ONE being... We know how to do it, because we are rapidly REMEMBERING thanks to Samavesha Gayatri Devi.
Mariangela Pino Landau, the founder and co-director of The Center for True North
Scheduled Presentations
Sacred Economics Panel
Day: Sunday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University StageCome explore what the co-creative movement of spiritual economics is and what its various expressions mean for us all. Discover how your “party-cipation” is vital to activating an era of sacred abundance in your own experience and that of the collective web of life. Join this moderated panel for a guided exploration into the heart of commerce, the soul of money, and a global tribal interdependence that will open up into a community dialogue of love-in-action.
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