Rosie Lila


Rosie is a relationship builder for the Burning Man organization, which endeavors to spread Burning Man culture globally. She began participating in Black Rock City in 2000 when she was 19 years old, and has ever since been cultivating and sharing her passion for Burning Man’s ethos based on generosity, participation and creativity.

Rosie is the lead producer for the 2014 Burning Man Global Leadership Conference and the executive producer of the 2014 Participatory Cities Conference hosted by Burning Man Project and the Downtown Project of Las Vegas.

In 2013, she produced a symposium featuring Larry Harvey at Columbia University, titled “Burning Man, Technology, Religion and The Future”. On the playa, Rosie works as a cultural tour guide, sharing the history of Burning Man and its growing global creative renaissance.

In the mid 2000′s, she coined the term “microfestival” to describe the Burning Man-inspired 300 person festival she instigated called Movement Play, which ran annually until 2012.

Rosie graduated from University of San Francisco’s McLaren School of Business with a degree in International Business. She is also a graduate of Keith Ferrazzi’s Relationship Masters Academy, the Hive leadership training program, and Landmark.

You can read about her beliefs here:

The Buzz

Rosie is an articulate spokesperson for the philosophy and goals of Burning Man. She is equally comfortable discussing self governance in emergent organizations and doing an impressive rendition of Amanda Palmer's Ukulele Anthem. Tom Gruber, CTO and founder of Siri, Inc.

Scheduled Presentations

  • The Global Impact of Burning Man
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Fishbon University Stage

    Burning Man has grown beyond the constraints of the desert event that is Black Rock City, Nevada. Regional ambassadors can be found in 25 countries on six continents, and there are now nearly 60 official Burning Man Regional Events. How has Burning Man grown to such extent over the last 28 years? How did Burning Man start, and where is it headed? This talk will provide a historical overview and look at the significant impact Burning Man is having on the world.

  • Festival Producers Panel
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage


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