Onamare Heart
Onamare Heart MA RD is devoted to empowering the Divine Feminine and awaken Heart-Centered Consciousness. Her life work has been focused on nutrition and health, female reproduction education, women’s spirituality, tantra therapy and education, sustainable living, and integrative health. She has studied with Tantra educators and wisdom holders that has enlighten her into how sex affects attitude and consciousness. She has been engage as a tantrika for the past 16 years, exploring how sensuality feeds the soul and allows the spirit to fly! Her life purpose is to empower the human race awaken into their divinity!
Scheduled Presentations
Tantra and the Feminine, "Exploring the essence of Sex and Spirit"
Day: Friday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Fishbon University StageDiscover what is the essence of the Feminine nature that allows life to happen, flourish, and evolve! Learn how to allow for the feminine essence to get fully explore and valued! Understanding how the feminine nature can expand into bliss! Enjoy an conscious dialogue that explores the FEMININE nature through the lens of Tantra. What is the Tantra path? HOW does the FEMININE nature become fully actualized and honored? Enjoy a HeartFul dialogue about the Yoni, how the YONI is the nest, the back seat, the lotus petal of infinite potential and creative bliss! LETS talk about SEX, not from a physical point of view, but from a cosmic creative force that births life itself and feeds conscious evolution.
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