Lynn McCallum
Aloha dear family!
My name is Lynn McCallum. I am an avid explorer of life, gifted empath, clairvoyant, channel, skilled communicator, networker, bridge builder and passionate Certified PSYCH-K Health & Wellness Facilitator. I combine my gifts as a channel with PSYCH-K to assist people to transcend challenges they may face. Clients can experience spontaneous relief, healing and freedom from these challenges allowing for profound shifts in their lives.
PSYCH-K is a proven high-speed mindset change process that combines a unique blend of various tools for change. Drawing on years of research in neuroscience, as well as utilizing principles of mind/body/spirit integration, PSYCH-K is an easy and effective way to change self-defeating habits and behaviours by changing the self-limiting beliefs that drive them. When we remove our limitations we remember our divinity and infinite nature, thus becoming powerful co-creators of heaven on earth.
A large part of my work is as a channel/vessel reading people’s energy fields and bringing through codes and frequencies from the higher self to bring instant and immediate shift in client’s frequencies. I have also started working with incoming souls to the planet, assisting as a bridge of communication between these beautiful light beings and their families-to-be.
My passion is to work with and support individuals, groups, businesses and organizations to align with and achieve their goals, dreams and visions.
I believe that global peace can be achieved through self empowerment and it is global peace that i am here to help usher in on beautiful Gaia-Sophia.
My heart is open, kind and compassionate and I feel a great love for all life. I have travelled the world extensively and discovered the deep heart of humanity through the kindness and generosity extended to me on my journeys. I have volunteered hundreds of hours with many non profit organizations, including OXFAM and the SPCA and I regularly volunteer my gifts and skills in service of individuals and the community whenever a need arises.
These days I place a growing focus on community building and connecting with others on co‐creative levels to usher in global peace, unity, harmony, abundance and reverence for all life.
I am honored to participate with all of you in the great LUCIDITY gathering both in the I AM Healing Sanctuary as well as on the Council For Peace panel.
Looking so forward to unifying with the Rainbow Tribe at this beautiful event!
Infinite love & aloha
Scheduled Presentations
Panel for Peace
Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage
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