Laura Fredrickson
Laura Fredrickson is a Fulfillionaire Specialist, Speaker and Founder of PRICELESS™, a coaching and consulting organization– whose global mission is to promote Self worth beyond net worth.
Often referred to as the Suzi Orman of Inner Wealth, Laura’s Priceless Principles have been said to have equal significance as The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.
As a trusted advisor, coach and consultant, for over a decade, Laura has enriched the lives of countless individuals, to include- Global Leaders, Fortune 500 Executives, UN Ambassadors, Celebrities, Companies, and Corporations.
Revered as a catalyst for the new paradigm of success, Laura’s specific focus is on serving influential leaders and conscious content projects that represent the new “bottom line” - which includes personal happiness, integrity and service, as well as financial abundance.
In addition, Laura is a leading authority in shifting peoples’ fundamentally flawed relationship to money and the pursuit of financial “freedom”, into a healthy and relationship with money, and experience of true freedom and happiness, as they align with their core value and true worth.
Laura’s path to discovering the essence of true freedom, success and what is priceless in her life began, when her financially stressed parents committed suicide together. In her own form of rebellion, Laura became obsessed with conquering money. She made millions…then lost every cent.
Severely confused and depressed she began to spiral towards suicide. And then she “woke up”…
After renegotiating her own terms, correcting her relationship with money, and aligning with her true power and worth, she is now truly successful, and living a life that is rich in all ways.
The intense and dramatic experience of the loss of both of Laura’s parents to suicide over money, as well as her deeply painful experiences due to her flawed relationship to money and her misguided approach to life, have afforded her a wisdom and teaching that is unparalleled. With her clear communication skills, proven methodology and Priceless Principles, Laura promotes authenticity, integrity, mastery and Self-worth, for those that are ready to reach a new paradigm of true success and an experience of being a Fulfillionaire.
The Buzz
Through my blessed work I’ve had the privilege of serving along side the worlds most respected evolutionary leaders. After working with Laura, I can say with all sincerity, that humans just don’t get much better. Mikki Willis - ELEVATE
Scheduled Presentations
Financial Liberation Panel
Day: Sunday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage
Trust is a generic word that gets used a lot. But what does it really mean, “To Trust”? Learn the key essential principles of Trust and step into partnership of the Natural Laws that are governing your life, to realize all of your dreams.
Conscious Language Practices to Define your Experience of Abundance. How you define words informs your personal reality.
Become conscious of what you are creating with the use of your words!
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