Katie Cleary LAc
Katie has been a licensed acupuncturist since 2002 and has been a massage therapist since 1992. Her love is working with people who are experiencing catastrophic, life-changing events. She’s been a hospice volunteer for almost four years now and is truly passionate about being in service and working in the realms of Pain Relief: relief from mental, emotional, physical and spiritual pain. For the past six years, Katie has also worked in the field of recovery. Her life’s work is a commitment to transformation, connection and growth. She lives with the man of her dreams, his Mommy and their three cats in Portland, Oregon. Favorite quote: “…be the change you want to see in the world.” by Mohandas Gandhi.
Scheduled Presentations
Reflections on Service: How Can I Help?
Day: Friday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage“Not a day goes by without our being called upon to help one another-at home, at work, on the street, on the phone…we do what we can. Yet so much comes up to complicate this natural response: “Will I have what it takes?” “How much is enough?” “How can I deal with suffering?” “And what really helps, anyway?” How Can I Help? reminds us just how much we have to give and how doing so can lead to some of the most joyous moments of our lives.”
I hope to inspire and delight you in the conversation of what it means to be of service, what we come up against when we give ourselves to lives of service, how we can cultivate compassion and how we can best be of service, regardless of what our circumstances may be.
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