Joseph Vaughn Perling
Joseph Vaughn Perling has been involved in security, privacy, identity management, forensics, law and business development spanning three decades. His involvement in alternative currencies bridges the physical and the virtual as the project lead of the Bitcoin Specie project and Managing Director of the New Liberty Dollar LLC.
Scheduled Presentations
Free Money
Day: Sunday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Lucid University StageCivilization advances through trade, as each person can contribute within their specialty as well as generally and through exchange the excellence of individual contribution is magnified.
The history of money spans 4 millennia and through out this history has been both private and government controlled. Presented will be a look at the history of money, its current state and a look at the future of money, as well as some alternative futures.
Private money, bitcoin and bullion and their role in empowering individuals and freeing people by freeing their money from counterparty risks.
Financial Liberation Panel
Day: Sunday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage
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