Jamaica ‘Jai Ma’ Stevens

Jamaica Jai Ma Stevens is the Founder of Tribal Convergence. As a mother, a healer, an artist, a community organizer, event producer, social networker, inspired speaker, organizational systems consultant, and an earth guardian, she devoted to the path of authentic BEing, Visionary Action, and living in Right Relations as a member of the One Human Family.

The Buzz

Jamaica Jai Ma, creative director of Tribal Convergence and Convergence network – speaking on behalf of an ever expanding sacred tribe of conscious cocreators. Ehren Cruz, Rootwire Music and Arts Festival Workshop & Ceremony Director, Founder & CEO of SolPurpose.com

Scheduled Presentations

  • Festival Producers Panel
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage

Speaking Locations

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