Immanuel Otto

For fifteen years Immanuel Otto has worked with companies and clients who are engaged in raising consciousness through their products and services, for book/media initiatives and marketing campaigns raising awareness around spirituality, creativity, emotional intelligence, mindful business, eco-awareness & sustainability, meditation, healing, mindful body fitness, comparative religious studies, peaceful conflict resolution, conscious activism, psychology, relationships, progressive sciences, and more. Previous and current clients/projects include the Joseph Campbell Foundation, Gaiam’s Spiritual Cinema Circle, Sounds True Publishing, Divine Arts Media, KidsEQ (current), and Sacred Commerce (current).

At Lucidity, Immanuel will be representing one of his most active current projects, ‘Sacred Commerce: The Rise of the Global Citizen’, the groundbreaking book by Ayman Sawaf and Rowan Gabrielle which explores the past and the future of commerce. This book introduces a profoundly compelling context for business and commerce that reverses the common assumption that business and spirituality are mutually opposed. This is done through an exploration of the “4th bottom line”—Spirituality. Ultimately, this is a context that elevates emerging conscious business visions and practices to their highest levels yet!

Sacred Commerce, as a meme, advances the train of thought that commerce can be a vehicle to raise global consciousness as well as a path towards Self-realization. The authors give credence to this notion by showing us how the ancient lineage of the Merchant Priesthood (who practiced the skills of Emotional Alchemy and pursued the path of goodness, truth, and beauty) shaped and influenced the forward movement of society with business and the basic function of exchanging goods and services. In doing so, they raised human culture to a level of sacredness that otherwise might not be attained while placing those who practiced it on a trajectory of accelerated growth.

As we go forward, we invite each and every one of you to become a co-author with us. At, you can add your stories and critiques as together we further detail, refine, and put these concepts into practice, thus allowing the book to be continuously re-created over the years to keep it fresh and relevant to the changing times.

We are involved in a cultural (r)evolution! The spiritual hierarchy of love and support has awakened consciousness throughout the species so that we are now able to mentor one another. We are excited to learn from you!


The Buzz

There is an almost sensual longing for communion with others who have a larger vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendships between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality almost impossible to describe. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Scheduled Presentations

  • Spiritual Economics Panel
    Day: Sunday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage

    Come explore what the co-creative movement of spiritual economics is and what its various expressions mean for us all. Discover how your “party-cipation” is vital to activating an era of sacred abundance in your own experience and that of the collective web of life. Join this moderated panel for a guided exploration into the heart of commerce, the soul of money, and a global tribal interdependence that will open up into a community dialogue of love-in-action.

Speaking Locations

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