Hitch McDermid
Hitch McDermid is passionate about guiding others to more personal and professional success through the Fearwalk process.
He began creating his own personal FearWalks as a teenager, and has used them ever since to live a freer, more successful life.
He explored his fear of public speaking and leadership in college, eventually becoming Co-president of his University. When he realized his deep fear of Africa and African people, he spent 15 months in 13 countries in Africa replacing fear with friendship, love and camaraderie. Then he did the same with his fear of Muslims by living with an anti-American family in Pakistan, transforming his fear to wisdom and compassion.
Hitch left a lucrative career in finance to cycle alone from Mexico to Argentina. He gave away his successful real estate business to tour the world teaching acroyoga and performing acrobatics in the circus in Thailand, India and Germany.
Currently he is on a Fearwalk into Intimacy to develop deeper, more loving relationship with his family and friends. Hitch is now on a quest to guide others on their own Fearwalks through powerful courses, workshops, mastermind groups and one-on-one deep dive coaching.
Hitch graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UC Santa Cruz and holds an MSc from the London School of Economics. He is a certified NLP Practitioner with NLP Marin and is a professional business strategy coach for executives and entrepreneurial business leaders.
He (co)founded Heart Tribe, Spirit Tribe, Ecotribe, Inspiration Campaign, Heartbeat Amplifier, and Fearwalk.
Scheduled Presentations
Fearwalk: How to Live The Life of Your Dreams
Day: Saturday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Fishbon University StageWant to live a freer, more successful life? Learn the origin of your fear, how to destabilize its power over your life, and how to live the life of your dreams.
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