Ethan Turpin
Ethan Turpin uses cameras, optics, and found materials to challenge and inform our view of the world. His creative practice spans across old and new media to experiment with visual and societal perception. His video documentaries and art installations have shown in film festivals, galleries, and museums nationwide.
The Buzz
Ethan Turpin does something you not only thought wasn't possible, you're not sure should be. Peter Frank, Huffington Post
Scheduled Presentations
Light and Dimension: The Art of Projection
Day: Sunday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Fishbon University StageThe phenomena of an image cast through space on a surface has long mesmerized human beings. From the simple shadow play of cavemen, to cathedrals intricately covered in video, the practice of manipulating projected light is as old as any art form. For years, artists Jonathan Smith and Ethan Turpin have chased shadows, crafted illusions, and built video environments in a continuous pursuit of optical wonder. Their work has inspired audiences at festivals, museums, galleries, and remote desert landscapes. Smith and Turpin will share a history of projection art, discuss their own creative practice, and give view to the future of this dynamic medium.
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