David Daniel
Aloha Lucid Family!
My name is David and I come from the Multiverse of Infinite Potential. Originally born in Texas, I migrated to Southern California when I was 7, and just completed 4 years at UC Santa Barbara studying philosophy & psychology. With 23 revolutions around the Sun my awakening has led me to step up to be a game changer and facilitate the “Wake Up Experience” with Generation Waking Up and the I.AM.LIFE. Project.
The I.AM.LIFE. Project is committed to helping people reconnect with the natural world - with an emphasis on youth empowerment. Generation Waking Up’s intention is to empower the next generation to take responsibility for co-creating a thriving, just, sustainable world.
In addition to these I have opened my field to the medicine of traditional Sweat Lodges and other Rites of Passage. I am working with a couple Elders within the community and am committed to empowering others with the truth. I am currently studying with the Pachamama Alliance and taking some of the most cutting edge, progressive mediums of online education that I am so excited to advocate to Lucidity and the world! Check out the conscious culture, media and education outlet: CreatorCourse.com!
I prefer not to use labels but if I had to use one I would describe myself as an evolutionary activist - a game changer - an activator - a visionary and a collaborator. As such my energetic intention is to raise the vibration of all whom I interact with at Lucidity and to share a perspective that will facilitate a natural awakening and sudden burst of neuronal firing.
I look forward to connecting with you heart to heart,
Peace & Blessings,
((( <3 )))
Scheduled Presentations
Council for Peace
Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage
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