David Casey

David Casey has spent the past four years in Guatemala and other areas of Latin America catalyzing Project Nuevo Mundo. He has visited a wide spectrum of projects in the region, and consulted with project managers and founders about the most effective way to design a collaborative network to connect projects to each other and to human resources. David’s work includes engagement with local indigenous clothing production cooperatives in Guatemala, property development and ecovillage design, coordination of a WWOOF volunteer farmer program, and event production. He is also founder and co-producer of Cosmic Convergence Festival, an annual cultural gathering in Guatemala.

David received a BA in Political Economy of Industrial Societies with a concentration in Global Poverty & Practice from UC California - Berkeley in 2008. He has been invited to share his work at University of California - Berkeley, Universidad Nacional Autonomo de Mexico - Mexico City, Instituto Tecnologico de San Salvador (El Salvador), and Ecovillage Design courses in Central America.

Scheduled Presentations

  • Festival Producers Panel
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage

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