Council For Peace

The Council For Peace panel is a seed being planted in the garden of World Peace. This Council is a dynamic collaboration of Peace advocates from a variety of social, cultural, philosophical and spiritual backgrounds. The vision unfolds as we plant this seed, with the intention to reunite and grow the connection of the One Love Rainbow Tribe. This collective of guardians and guides will begin the collaborative strategy for realizing Peace within ourselves, within our families, within our Communities, and outward until World Peace is achieved.

The Council For Peace currently consists of representatives of Chumash, Lakota Sioux, and Hopi Nations, Toltec Wisdom Keepers, Guides of both Eastern & Western Philosophies and Spirituality, Guardians of Sacred Knowledge, and Peacemakers.

The 13 color corn (Rainbow Corn) is a powerful representation of the work that is springing forth from this Council, as well as many other forward thinking groups and organizations that are working together - from different angles - to achieve a higher level of unity and understanding among all people. Corn has long been a native american staple and holds a high percentage as various additives in many foods globally. The 13 color corn is an ancient strain that is resurfacing, which holds the blueprint of our human/world history as well as ancient DNA/RNA.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Scheduled Presentations

  • Council For Peace
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage

    A visionary panel advocating and strategizing World Peace NOW.

Speaking Locations

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