Barbara Wilder
Barbara Wilder’s greatest passion is to bring Light into the dark corners of our hearts and minds and help shift human consciousness up into the vibration of universal love. She has been speaking her truth on stages across the U.S. and internationally for over 20 years. An acclaimed author, speaker, and coach, she is best known for her pioneering work in the field of Sacred Economics. Her first book Money Is Love: Reconnecting to the Sacred Origins of Money, (Wild Ox Press 1999) is one of the foundational works in the field. Barbara’s second book Embracing Your Power Woman: 11 Steps to Coming of Age in Midlife (Wild Ox Press 2005) gained enthusiastic endorsements from Deepak Chopra, Shirley MacLaine, Carolynn Myss, Joan Borysenko, and Jean Houston among many others. Now, returning her focus to Sacred Economics, her forthcoming book, Creating a Sacred Marketplace, is sure to help us make the quantum leap into the new Love-based economy that will fund the new paradigm. Her coaching practice focuses on helping people become successful in life and business by finding and aligning with their life’s purpose. She also works with business owners to help them create Money is Love based businesses and discover how, by making Love their bottom line they can achieve both financial success and peace in their hearts. Currently Barbara lives in Los Angeles where she maintains her intuitive counseling and light-energy healing practice, writes, gives workshops, and travels wherever she is called to speak and teach about how we can create a more light-filled and balanced world of peace, goodwill, and abundance for all.
The Buzz
A Power-shifter, paradigm-buster, Barbara Wilder is well named. Her remarkable work takes us to the wilder shores of Women's genius, women's true and necessary power. Jean Houston
Scheduled Presentations
Sacred Economics Panel
Day: Sunday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University StageCome explore what the co-creative movement of spiritual economics is and what its various expressions mean for us all. Discover how your “party-cipation” is vital to activating an era of sacred abundance in your own experience and that of the collective web of life. Join this moderated panel for a guided exploration into the heart of commerce, the soul of money, and a global tribal interdependence that will open up into a community dialogue of love-in-action.
Creating a Sacred Marketplace is a template for a new global economy based on Love, caring, and sharing. It is a vision of a new global economy based on Love, caring, and abundance for all. We shift our thoughts and feelings about money as we shift our thoughts and feelings about each other. We, the people, have the power to become co-creators of a new Love-based economy and marketplace, even as we watch the old fear-based economy crumbling before us.
According to Rabbi Nilton Bonder’s interpretation of The Talmud, “True wealth is abundance that does not create scarcity.” We are so used to living in a world where one person’s wealth causes another person’s poverty that it’s difficult to even imagine that this was not always the fact. We can change that old perception with our thoughts.
Creating a Sacred Marketplace is an invitation to become facilitators in the birth of the new Love-based sacred economy, using new concepts and consciousness tools to help disconnect and heal the wounds from the old money paradigm based on the outmoded and insane Dominator cultural model.
The new paradigm cannot be bankrolled by money invested with the energies of fear, greed, lack, and power over others. As the old money culture deconstructs, we have the opportunity to create a brand new money culture based on Love, thus creating a healthy and Sacred Global Marketplace.
We must simply create a new bottom line. And that bottom line must be LOVE.
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