Athena Demos
Athena discovered Burning Man in 1998 and began to dedicate her life to being a better human being in the world. Producing community gatherings and celebrations since 2002, she set her sights on bringing the diverse skills and energy of the LA burner community to projects throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Her life philosophy comes from one of her favorite movies . . . “If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it.” Or create it. Its all a matter of perspective.
She recently developed a life philosophy built around 11 Principles. The same principles that govern the LA League of Arts/LA Burning Man.
Scheduled Presentations
Living the Principles of Burning Man
Day: Sunday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Fishbon University StageYou may read the principles and think how to apply them to my life. I’ve done just that and I’m happy to share with you my personal journey of self realization as it applies to the Principles of Burning Man. At the end of my talk, I want to hear from all of you. How have you incorporated the principles into your life? Are there ones you need clarification on? Are there ones you want to help define? I want to hear from you!!!
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