Astarius Miraculii

Astarius Miraculii has facilitated the Spiritual Community for more than 40 years. He is a Didgeridoo/VocalHarmonic Sound Healer, Musician, Poet, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher and Recording Artist with 15 CDs and 2 books. He has been watched on YouTube more than 1/2 million times, done Healings and Readings for thousands of people, been featured on radio and television and has given presentations for festivals, schools, churches, sales organizations, social functions, correctional institutions and Goddess groups. He is now Present to Serve & Empower You.

Scheduled Presentations

  • Ascension Wisdom
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 30 min. | Location: Sacred Fire Story Telling Circle

    Sound Bath and the Teachings of FEMIFESTATION

    Using Didgeridoo, Vocal Harmonics & Ascension Wisdom
    To Awaken The Ascended Self - To deactivate old traumas -
    To JumpStart Creative Abilities - To come into Harmonic Convergence with All the Love that Is, Was or Ever Will Be, To FEMIFEST & MANIFEST OUR SUPREME BLESSINGS

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