Arya Siddhanta
After Powerful mystical experiences at age eleven; studies in Organic Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics, Sacred Geometry, QABALAH, Astrology, Esoteric Scientists like Tesla & Schauberger, Walter Russell, Lucid Dreaming, Egypt, Pyramid Energy, Mystery Babylon, Theosophy; and directly communicating with practitioners of nearly every religious and spiritual path; Arya Siddhanta renounced the material world and became a monk in the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya tradition of Vaisnava discipline. He studied Confidential Yogic Wisdom at the first degree awarding Vedic College in the United states and visited several ashrams throughout the US and India speaking and studying with top sanskrit scholars in the heart centered bhakti-yoga devotional tradition. Arya Siddhanta conclusively dives deeply into a vast wealth of Vedic Practices and Philosophies culminating in the conclusion of knowledge, Vedanta. He practically displays his wisdom by singing mantra meditations and elucidating their English Meanings in Sanskrit Roots.
Arya Siddhanta has been a musical performer and speaker his whole life. He produced Blink-182′s first vinyl 7″” record and was a promotional director for a small record label in San Diego in the 90′s. He has opened up for acts like Jason Mraz, Jewel Kilcher and Green Day and has experience with electronic music and traditional Indian instruments. He has performed music and vocals on 10 independently produced music CD’s ranging from acoustic folk, to punk & rock, to electronica and mantra meditations. At last years lightning in a bottle festival he performed with SriKalogy. His voice is unforgettably resonant with the Modern Kirtan Movement and he is known for offering intimate, informal, and often massive Kirtans (group mantra chanting) at transformational festivals throughout the west Coast.
Arya has certificates of study from Rupanuga Vedic College and helped open the Bhagavat-vidyapitham at Govardhana Hill in India, an esoteric sanskrit school elucidating the most confidential depths of a soul’s intimate relationship with the Source. He is also the publishing director for Rupanuga Vedic College Publishing and is a disciple and secretary to His Holiness Danavir Goswami, the worlds leading authority in Jyoti (cosmological) Vedic Literature and a direct disciple of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Scheduled Presentations
Panel for Peace
Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University StageSympathetic resonance or sympathetic vibration is a harmonic phenomenon wherein a formerly passive string or vibratory body responds to external vibrations to which it has a harmonic likeness. Explore Sympathetic Vibratory Physics initially from the gross material perspective, then gradually toward subtle energies and concluding in the eternal spiritual realm. This is an interactive seminar with lots of fun call and response chanting and deep ancient sound vibrations from the Sanskrit Language.
Arya Siddhanta explains the esoteric essence and meaning of the Bhagavad-gita, Ancient India’s most renowned book. He uniquely explains karma, life after death, karma-yoga, jnana-yoga and ultimately bhakti-yoga, devotional service through the eyes of a chain of spiritual masters with historical roots at the time of creation. As the last link in the chain Arya Siddhanta joyfully performs his duty of sharing this message and continuing the chain. He speaks all of his verses from memorization and can explain many of the sanskrit words and their English connections. A wholesome snack would also be served.
Known as Achintya Bheda-Abheda Tattva philosophy in the Sanskrit Vedic Texts, Inconceivable Simultaneous Oneness and Diversity proves itself to be the highest truth. Explore various philosophical traditions from Ancient India and see how they reach this conclusion and why it’s not only necessary, but awesomely beautiful.
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