Andrew Ecker

Andrew Ecker owner of Drumming Sounds based in the Phoenix AZ is a Poet, Artist, Drum Circle facilitator and architect of Neotribal culture born in Portland Or raised in the Hawthorne district, grandson of Cresencia Cora Alvarez an Apache “Curandrea” (a medicine woman or healer) from the southwest region of texas formerly the land of Lipanese Apache Band . Andrew has continued this family tradition of transformative healing work by honoring the ancestors in the work he does with the drum. “ Its only through the intentional movement of energy that we as a Neotribal people will see our world transformed to serve our awakened culture” This art of community transformation and personal healing has allowed Andrew the honor of working with many amazing nations, organizations, hospitals, festivals and businesses including The Havasupai Nation, The Tohono O’odoham Nation, The Navajo Nation, Cancer Treatment Centers of America , John C Lincoln Hospital, Sedona Yoga festival, The Lucidity Festival the Veterans Association, wounded Warriors, City of Phoenix, City of Tempe, City of Scottsdale, The Latino institute. and many many more… Andrew has been participating in or facilitating the Neotribal expression of the drum circle for close to 20 years he brings a wealth of knowledge from personal experience and the amazing training of his mentors Christine Stevens, Arthur Hull , Jim Boneau , TINY Hanna,and Dr. Barry Bittman.

The Buzz

"Andrew is 50% music teacher 50% motivational speaker and 100% connected to the group"
Scott Light, KPNX 12 News

Scheduled Presentations

  • Cultural Literacy: Becoming Allies
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage

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