Amaya is a Mystic, Healer and traveling Ambassador of Wisdom who has studied ancient Toltec wisdom under such masters as Don Miguel Ruiz, Don Jose Ruiz and Miguel Ruiz Jr . The secrets of the ancient Atlantean, Lumerians. Egyptians, Mayans and various other Indigenous tribes through ascension master Drunvalo Melchizedek completing 2 Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshops, the ancient divine feminine wisdom of the ancient Blue School of Creation with Claudette Melchizedek and has successfully completed the first level Delegate program of the Unified Field Theory school of Physicist Nassim Haramein & his understudy Jamie Hanover. In this current incarnation Amaya was born in Colombia, South America and moved to the US at the early age of 8. After creating a successful music business career which gave him the opportunity to travel extensively around the world for the past 20 years he settled in Los Angeles where he was guided into seeking the wisdom teachings. Ceremony has become a key part of life for Amaya and at Lucidity he will take you back to ancient times to teach you the ancient sacred teachings of healing, creation, manifestation through deep reverence used by the ancient Atlanteans, Lumerians, Egyptians and Mayans. These sacred knowledge is now available to you, so you can be better prepared for these current times (which you choose to come into before birth). Learn the Secrets of Secrets and become empowered in YOU. WE ARE THE ONES WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR. Amaya will be in service at the I AM HEALING temple during Lucidity as well.
Scheduled Presentations
Secrets of secrets - Ancient Wisdom
Day: Saturday | Duration: 60 min. | Location: Sacred Fire Story Telling CircleOn this presentation Amaya covers topics of wisdom from the ancient Toltecs, the Atlanteans and current Resonance field formulas.
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