Alaya Love

I am an elder & a wisdom keeper. I was one of the first wave INDIGO’s that came to planet earth, born in 1946. As a child, I was part of a study for children with exceptional gifts & ESP (extra sensory perception) and was considered a DIFFERENT one. I was pretty much ready to leave planet earth in 1975 when I had a profound awakening with a master, that opened me to remembering of who I was and why I was here. During the following 40 years, I had many initiations and received awards as an Ambassador for Peace, I received a lineage from the great Makua, the kahuna’s kahuna that I carry today, offering Huna meditations, teachings & the traditional ho’o'ponopono ceremony. The HUNA teachings are the most transformational processes that we have available to us today. These are the ways of the heart, the ways of the aloha spirit & pure LOVE, which is the greatest power available to us as human beings.

I am an awakener…back in the day, I designed & taught an awakening course in the US, Japan, Australia & the UK. I assist the great ones from younger generations to REMEMBER who they are & access the gifts that they are bringing forth for this time on planet earth (SOULutions). One of my gifts, from the chi garnered over 40 years of meditation, is to work the energy to unify the field at events and raise the vibration…I also carry a message & method to assist others to get freed up from mind control programs & addictions & learn how to connect to SOURCE within…also, my message is one of “let’s get HIGH, naturally-thru fun, food, dance, sound, & medicines from nature, not the laboratory.

Scheduled Presentations

  • Cultural Literacy Panel: Becoming Allies
    Day: Saturday | Duration: 90 min. | Location: Lucid University Stage

  • Morning Meditation
    Day: Sunday | Duration: 30 min min. | Location: Sacred Spaces

    Morning meditation lead by Alaya Love

  • Living Forgiveness
    Day: Sunday | Duration: 90 min min. | Location: Sacred Spaces

    An introduction to the Hawaiian Huna Tradition of Ho’o'ponopono. Working with energetic heart frequencies to clear 12 generations of our ancestry & assist evolution in our own DNA. Stepping into our VAST, multidimensional Self and Bringing heaven to earth.

Speaking Locations

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